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Whats going on with the Grounds

Whats going on with the Grounds

Paul Blackwell5 Oct - 09:38
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Ricky turning a new page

After the terrible flooding and the deteriorating pitches , the Committee made a decision to take a hands-on approach to the End Of season work on the squares and outfields. A few weeks ago we put out a call for volunteers and had a fantastic working party with players from almost all the teams helping out on the tasks at hand.

As well as putting 4 tonnes of Loam, 50kg of Seed and 25kg of fertiliser on the squares, it all had to be spread and luted to as flat a surface as possible. This was achieved in around 8 hours thanks to the tireless work of those who came. If you were there, then you know how grateful the club are. If you were not - well, then don't complain about the wickets next year! Heroes don't wear capes at RCC, they wear Wellingtons and Gloves and get dirty trousers...Oh, and we saved the club thousands of pounds by doing it ourselves.

Since then, the outfield continues to be cut once a week (we don't want to end up like March/April this year again); and the wickets have had more grass seed and loam after the heavy rain. The outfield and net runs ups have also been reseeded. The grounds still look a pretty picture if you pop down to have a look. (bring wellingtons!)

The sightscreens and covers have been dismantled and the container has been filled with spare loam. Also the area around the shed and container has had a bit of a clean-up. We have plans to make further improvements, as we want to keep pushing all our teams up the tables and we need to be smart off the pitch as well as on it.

I am at the club every couple of days, picking up rubbish and tidying the place. This is something everyone can do. I am all for celebrating our successes on the pitch, but just as important is to leave a legacy for those that follow us and that includes the grounds.

Finally , and rather depressingly, the battle with the Council over the flooding continues. Other linked parties are the Environment Agency, Thames Water, The River Chess Association, Herts County Council, the ECB and Highways England. If anyone has some time and would like to help us lobby any or all of these groups, please let us know. We don't have the time, but if you do then we would LOVE to hear from you. This is the most important issue the club faces now. Your club needs you.

Please don't just turn up in April and expect everything to be done for you. This is a 12 month a year club and if you can lend a hand, your Captain or Stefan would love to hear from you. You might even get a ride on the trailer like these lucky lads ....

Further reading