In a remarkable turn around, the weather has been sunny but cold for a few weeks with minimal rain and this is perfect conditions for pre-season at Cricket. Clubs up and down the country are ahead of the game and we are no exception. Indeed, we could have probably played a game last Saturday had a few more turned up to the working party!
Those who did turn up did an amazing job and it was wonderful to see. Manny spiked both pitches and soil and seed went back in place; meanwhile Shiv spent all afternoon on his hands and knees picking out weeds and replacing them with loam and seed as well. Doug cut the squares as you can see, down to 23mm, whilst the outfields were cut both days and looked resplendent in the sunshine. Ethan brushed, oiled and cleaned down the machinery getting it ready. Snehal and Taz cut down trees and set fire to the brush and dead wood.
Conor and Stefan squared off the main pitch so it is ready for more intense preparation. And Stefan then spent a few hours giving both pitches a spell with the heavy roller. This time last year we were still underwater and the grass was a foot high in places. I would encourage everyone to get down and see how wonderful it looks now.
The maintenance work will continue and we have booked in some vertidraining for the outfields, which the Sports Club have generously agreed to pay for, to further improve the drainage.
There is still a lot to do, on a weekly basis and please watch out for requests via whatsapp. The nets will be refurbished in late April and before that we need to get the covers and sight-screens up and ready. Our first games are just a month away. Bring it on!